Field Trip Photos in: Field Trip - McLean Mill

Rain: Peter Abley

Mill Scene: Peter Abley

Maclean Mill 1: Alan Smith

Nuts and Bolts: Rick Horte

Mclean Mill 2: Alan Smith

Raining: Rick Horte

Window reflection: Gail Courtice

Workbench: Jack Harynuk

Abandoned Cottage: Lynn Page

Mclean Mill 3: Alan Smith

truck: Gail Courtice

Boiler: Rick Horte

Mclean Mill 5: Linda Lundberg

Mclean Mill 2: Linda Lundberg

The Mill's Pond: Lynn Page

Ladders: Jack Harynuk

Mclean Mill 1: Linda Lundberg

Autumn Leaf: Lynn Page

Mclean Mill 3: Linda Lundberg

Neat Car: Peter Abley

Chain Drive: Rick Horte

Mclean Mill 5: Alan Smith

Vancouver Island Timber: Lynn Page

Constable?: Gail Courtice

Storeroom: Jack Harynuk

Water Tower: Lynn Page

Mclean Mill 4: Alan Smith

Nice Rocks: Peter Abley

Mclean Mill 4: Linda Lundberg

Log Pond: Rick Horte

Equipment and flower: Peter Abley

window with tools: Gail Courtice

Michael in red: Gail Courtice

Blades: Jack Harynuk

The Forge: Jack Harynuk