Photos in Category: Field Trip


Smile: Katrin Roth

I'm watching you: Clay Ross

Butterfly: Alan Smith

Eagle: Roger Barnsley

Mask: John Potter

Ancient History: Paula Barnsley

Feathers: Roger Barnsley

Fishing Notes: Roger Barnsley

Mask: Katrin Roth

Wall of Horns: John Potter

Marionette - Persia: Paula Barnsley

Where am I?: Paula Barnsley

1: Mary Watts

African Mask 1: Bob Christopher

Teeth: Alan Smith

Natur's inner-ear: Gill Ross

A tresure trove of artifacts: Gill Ross

Big Horned Sheep: Alan Smith

Staring: John Potter

Crystal: Katrin Roth

witha geode: Gill Ross

Skeletal Remains: Bob Christopher

Butterfly specimen: Clay Ross

Amethyst lode: Clay Ross

2: Mary Watts

3: Mary Watts

African Mask 2: Bob Christopher