Photos in Category: Field Trip


Licensed Musician: Bob Christopher

A long wait for the next train: Gay Winn

Don't Look Joe: Sandy Stewart

Candy Canes: Jack Harynuk

Rhinestone Reindeer: Bob Christopher

Moss on Brick: Linda Lundberg

Window Carolers: Jack Harynuk

Christmas Hollow: Sandy Stewart

Oncelings: Gay Winn

Watching Over Qualicum: Sandy Stewart

Swim Club: Sandy Stewart

Town: Debbie Scott

Condos: Alan Smith

Snowman in Window: Alan Smith

Floral Wall: Linda Lundberg

A-ffence: Gay Winn

Cart: Rick Horte

Tony's Shop: Jack Harynuk

Store Front: Alan Smith

Flower Shop: Alan Smith

Qualicum Christmas Storefront: Bob Christopher

Fountain: Bob Jackson

Shop at Night: Jack Harynuk

Roof: Rick Horte

Fence of Hearts: Linda Lundberg

Patiently Waiting: Alan Smith

Street: Rick Horte

Christmas Lights: Bob Christopher

All I Want For Christmas: Sandy Stewart

Dog Dish Afternoon: Linda Lundberg

Roses For Sale: Linda Lundberg

Star: Rick Horte

Relax: Debbie Scott

Barber Shop Qualicum: Bob Christopher

Barred from the museum: Gay Winn

Shovel Choice: Jack Harynuk

Cornerstone: Debbie Scott

Dog: Rick Horte